Why certification in translation becomes a necessity?

Why certification in translation becomes a necessity?

An event in cooperation between LICS / TÜV Austria & TransTec

ONLY for invited guests, based on active registration - Free of charge

Insights on the standards of the translation/interpretation industry

ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Requirements for translation services
ISO 13611:2014 Interpreting - Guidelines for community interpreting
ISO 18587:2017 Translation services - Post-editing of machine translation output -Requirements
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System


  • Why certification in translation becomes necessity?
  • How to overcome translation market recession?
  • What is the importance of an international certification for independent TSPs (freelance translators)
  • What are the steps for certification and for expansion into global markets?

Venue: Cairo International Scout Center

Location: See Map

Date: 4th August 2018

Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm.

Seats: 20 seats as per first registration.

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Why certification in translation becomes a necessity?

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